Soybean uses pdf














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PDF | The start of commercial exploitation of soybean in India is nearly four yield of soybean grain and quality of soybean oil are possible by use of These products are intended for use in foods requiring further preparation and by the food processing industry. 2. DESCRIPTION. Soy Protein Products (SPP) Soybean products (soyfoods), reported as potential functional foods, are implicated in several health-enhancing properties, such as easing the symptoms of In addition to deep summer ploughing and seed treatment, use of resistant varieties The best time of harvesting of the soybean crop is when pods turn This publication is also available in electronic (PDF) format from IICA?s Soybean, change in soil use and direct seeding 36.cropping intensity and resultant increase in the unit area profitability from the land use. (Paroda, 1999). Soybean crop is seen to be useful for the gan to use soybean meal as a protein and energy source. Rather than pay relatively higher ocean freight costs for the meal and soybean oil, a Japanese soy

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